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How to make an appointment with a Geriatrician
Geriatric Care Australia’s (GCA) team of geriatricians can provide on-site reviews at aged care facilities, partnered retirement villages or online video telehealth consultations. Our Care Coordination team take care to ensure this is a simple process for aged care facilities, older Australians and carers to access our specialist services. The following information has been provided to assist you to understand this.
As Geriatricians are specialist doctors, there are requirements for a patient to be seen and have access to reimbursement or bulk-billing via Medicare. The criteria check-list is:
Patient is 65 years or older, or 55 years and older for Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islanders
New Patient Form completed via either:
Printed / written form and emailed to:
GP Referral to a Geriatrician at Geriatric Care Australia via either:
Online e-Referral:
Emailed to:
Clinical History (if patient resides in aged care facility)
Medication chart
Summary care plan
How to book
GP Referral & New Patient Form: Please complete a New Patient Form and arrange a GP Referral either online (see above) or send to
Appointment: Our Care Coordination team will be in contact within two days to discuss your options for undertaking a geriatrician consultation.
Consultation: Patients are seen by a GCA geriatrician at the agreed appointment time. Initial appointments are typically 1 hour in length.
Follow-up: Our Care Coordination team will appropriately communicate when / if follow-up consultations are due.